
Insights & Resources

Tag: career management

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Feedback: An Organizational and Individual Perspective

Feedback: An Organizational and Individual Perspective Part One by Geralyn Burke Gray, Annie Stevens, and Lisa Zankman   Feedback – An Organizational View   Why is it that so many companies struggle with fostering and providing ongoing feedback? It seems that we have many forces trying to make sure that…


Isn’t It Time We Did Some Life Planning?

By Russ Jones, President, First Transitions, Inc.   Perhaps author and businessman Harvey Mackay said it best, “A dream is just a dream – a goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.” How often have we thought about various aspects of our lives and wished that somehow…


Tips on Accelerating Results in the Age of Disruption

At a recent leadership forum, ClearRock, Inc., welcomed Shane Cragun, co-author of the book Reinvention: Accelerating Results in the Age of Disruption. At the forum, co-sponsored by M2 Partners, Cragun shared extensive research on how to navigate 21st century turbulence with a simple model and process for making major change and…


Why You Need a Personal Brand and How to Get One

By Susan Peppercorn, Senior Consultant ClearRock, Inc.   Success at work requires that we take control of our professional image.  Your personal brand or your professional reputation has a direct impact on your career; the way you are perceived is how you will be defined.  The only way of changing…


How to Overcome Ageism in the Job Market

By Susan Peppercorn, Senior Consultant ClearRock, Inc.   By the time you get into your 50s, you may feel that you deserve to rest a bit on your laurels having worked for 25 years or more. The reality is that no matter your age, your career is in your hands,…


How to Answer The Most Terrifying Interview Question

By Susan Peppercorn, Senior Consultant ClearRock, Inc. There are a number of interview questions that strike terror in the heart of a job seeker. The one that evokes the most dread is “what is your greatest weakness?” For those of you in career transition, take heart. This question is not…


Benefits of Creating Your Career Network

Eleanor Roosevelt recognized the power of finding mentors and credited her mentors for helping her make history. She believed you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by seeking the advice of someone you respect and endeavoring to establish relationships with the best mentor for your needs at any…


Laura Poisson – Career Advice Video

Laura Poisson of ClearRock, interviewed by Stephen Burke, HR Consultant, discuss Career and Job Search Advice.


5 Practical Ways to Protect Your Investment and Position Your Leader for Success

Ramping up new leaders quickly is the best way to ensure early wins and the likelihood of success. Onboarding starts before they walk in the door. Human Resource leaders, managers and mentors play a key role in helping new employees accelerate and enrich their time to productivity and transition smoothly…


Key Strategies For Retaining Newly Hired Professionals

With the unemployment rate at 4.2% in Massachusetts (April, 2016) and fewer professionals available for hire, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to retain employees and insure the success of their newly hired employees. Studies have shown that companies lose an average of 25% of all new hires within…


How HR Can Help Employees Flourish In Their Jobs

A major reason that employees may be feeling overwhelmed or disconnected at work is that they are not in roles where they can best flourish. One of the most important functions of human resources professionals is helping their organizations to ensure they have the right talent in the right place and…


10 Ways to Dazzle in Your new Job

ClearRock offers the following 10 Ways To Dazzle In Your New Job:   Know what is expected of you and by when. Understand exactly what your boss requires you to accomplish and the timetable you have in which to deliver.  Also establish how your performance will be evaluated. Immediately start…


The Simplest Type of Career Change to Make

Since all sectors of the economy do not perform the same – with some industries faring better than others – job-seekers need to learn how to transfer their skills and expertise to those that are hiring. It is the simplest type of career change to make.  The employment picture can…


13 Ways to Become a Better Manager

One of the best ways companies can improve their bottom lines is for their executives and managers to manage better.  Managers can upgrade their management and leadership skills, team up with mentors, and clarify the objectives and career paths of those they manage.  To retain talented employees in this slowly…


Job Rejections due to Lack of Cultural ‘Fit’

In cases where the qualifications of two candidates for the same job are roughly equivalent, cultural fit can be a deciding factor.  Lack of cultural fit is one of the biggest contributors to the failure of newly hired and promoted managers and executives. Among the reasons new leaders do not…

