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Tag: career advancement

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Is Your Organization Considering an Investment in Executive Coaching?

Article by Laura Poisson   Maximizing the performance of a leadership team through executive coaching can yield significant returns for an organization.  According to a recent global survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Association Resource Centre, the mean Return on the Investment in coaching was 7 times the initial investment. It…


Tips on Accelerating Results in the Age of Disruption

At a recent leadership forum, ClearRock, Inc., welcomed Shane Cragun, co-author of the book Reinvention: Accelerating Results in the Age of Disruption. At the forum, co-sponsored by M2 Partners, Cragun shared extensive research on how to navigate 21st century turbulence with a simple model and process for making major change and…


Why You Need a Personal Brand and How to Get One

By Susan Peppercorn, Senior Consultant ClearRock, Inc.   Success at work requires that we take control of our professional image.  Your personal brand or your professional reputation has a direct impact on your career; the way you are perceived is how you will be defined.  The only way of changing…


How to Answer The Most Terrifying Interview Question

By Susan Peppercorn, Senior Consultant ClearRock, Inc. There are a number of interview questions that strike terror in the heart of a job seeker. The one that evokes the most dread is “what is your greatest weakness?” For those of you in career transition, take heart. This question is not…


Benefits of Creating Your Career Network

Eleanor Roosevelt recognized the power of finding mentors and credited her mentors for helping her make history. She believed you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by seeking the advice of someone you respect and endeavoring to establish relationships with the best mentor for your needs at any…


Laura Poisson – Career Advice Video

Laura Poisson of ClearRock, interviewed by Stephen Burke, HR Consultant, discuss Career and Job Search Advice.


5 Practical Ways to Protect Your Investment and Position Your Leader for Success

Ramping up new leaders quickly is the best way to ensure early wins and the likelihood of success. Onboarding starts before they walk in the door. Human Resource leaders, managers and mentors play a key role in helping new employees accelerate and enrich their time to productivity and transition smoothly…


Is Your Mindset Stalling Your Career?

By: Susan Peppercorn    Senior Consultant, ClearRock / Career Coach /  Resume and LinkedIn Consultant /  Career Blogger for the Huffington Post   Just because some people can do something with little or no training, it doesn’t mean that others can’t do it (and sometimes do it even better) with…


How HR Can Help Employees Flourish In Their Jobs

A major reason that employees may be feeling overwhelmed or disconnected at work is that they are not in roles where they can best flourish. One of the most important functions of human resources professionals is helping their organizations to ensure they have the right talent in the right place and…


Social Media Profile Becoming as Important as Your Resume

Your online social media profile may be as important as your resume if you are looking for a new job or to change careers.  Employers are more frequently using social media networks to find candidates for employment, rather than going through resumes or searching job websites.  People who have neglected…


“Moving Up” no Longer Means Being Promoted

With workforces still lean and fewer people getting promoted today, the definition of “moving up” has changed, according to ClearRock Inc.  Years ago, many workers followed a personal career guideline of: “Every three years, up or out.” That is, a worker should expect to be promoted every three years or…


7 Ways to get Your Career Unstuck

ClearRock offers the following advice on getting your career unstuck – by either resolving issues with your current employer or finding another job:   1. Have a talk with your boss. A good starting point is a frank discussion with your manager about your potential, possibilities to take on more responsibilities,…


7 Recommendations for Employers on Retaining Talent

Retaining talented employees is takes on a higher priority when more jobs become available.  With the cost of replacing workers who leave or don’t work out at two or three times their compensation, companies are advised to monitor and revise their retention programs in order to encourage employees to stay…

